Sermon's by
Donald McLean

The Humble of the Land
8/01/21Sometimes we look at the world and wonder if there is any hope. Yes, we enjoy all sorts of exciting scientific and technological advancements. And …

Welcome the King
7/04/21Some kings need to go. That was the message of the Declaration of Independence some 245 years ago. The American colonists were so fed up with King …

The Pleasures of a Prosperous Man
6/20/21Most men will claim that their family is their highest priority. “My family comes first!” they say. Psalms 127 and 128 show what it takes to actual…

The Refreshing Freedom of Forgiveness
6/13/21Many scholars think Psalm 32 is a sequel to Psalm 51. We don’t know this for sure since David doesn’t directly mention his sin with Bathsheba. But …

God’s Gift to the Guilty
6/06/21Humorist Erma Bombeck once described guilt as “the gift that keeps on giving.” We smile because it’s true – guilt is one of our most difficult and …

Disarming Worry
5/30/21Trust is like a muscle. If we want stronger muscles, we need to do things that make our muscles stronger – lift weights, do push-ups, work the crun…