Adult Bible Fellowship

Person reading Bible

What is it?

Our Sunday Morning Adult Bible Fellowship at GracePoint is designed to be a smaller community for Christians to study God’s Word and discuss how it applies to our daily life. We typically offer one to three groups.

When is it?

We meet at 9:15 each Sunday morning. So bring your kids for Sunday School, then join us for coffee and learning! 

Adult Bible Fellowship - RVL Discipleship: The Study - Join renowned teacher and Bible scholar Ray Vander Laan as he examines what it means to be a follower of Christ through the cultural, historical, and otherwise contextual lens of Scripture. Many of us have enjoyed VanderLaan's teaching in the long running series That the World May Know, where he taught lessons in the context of the teaching trips to the Holy Land.  He has developed a new four "season" teaching series.  In this summer's material (Season 1), we will be reminded that Jesus’ original disciples really knew the Scriptures. As modern-day followers of Jesus, it is vitally important that we value Scripture in the same way. This discipleship course will address how we are meant to interact with the Text: 1) approaching it from the context in which it was written; 2) exploring how Jesus used the Scriptures in His teaching; 3) understanding how His followers were meant to be changed by what they learned; and 4) identifying the major paradigm that ties the whole Bible together. Each Sunday morning will highlight a 12 minute video teaching, and we will have time to dig further into the Word and engage in discussion.  Join us! Starts on June 2nd.