The Essential Exception (Luke 6:39-45)

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The Essential Exception (Luke 6:39-45)

Welcome to GracePoint Sunday Morning! Our church’s purpose is to connect real people to the real God, and we believe studying the Bible is one of the best ways to do that. We are currently studying through the Gospel of Luke. In this next sermon, we focus on the importance of self-examination. A few verses earlier, in vs. 37, Jesus commands us to refrain from judging other people’s lives. Now we learn that He wants us instead to shine the spotlight of examination on ourselves. We consider what this self-examination looks like in the corporate context of the church and in our own individual lives. May the Lord bless you as you listen to His Word!


Luke 6:39-45 * 1-corinthians 5:1-13 Matthew 18:15 Galatians 6:1-2 Philippians 4:1-2 2-timothy 3:16